
Bakalım be.
7 Şubat 2015
Information :

* You Can put Questions to answer for players [Auto Message].

in this function you can set for question one line ansewer

or more than one lines.

* [Automatic Notice - Globals] this function you can set in

program [Notice / Globals] by Time [Hour(s) / Day(s)] this for

once and have other function to set [Notice / Globals] Repeat

with Time [Minutes].

* have [Reports] [Bug - Suggestion] if a player have [bug /

suggestion] he can pm [BOT] with [Bug / Suggestion] [BOT]

will save the [Bug / Suggestion] in table in database and

you can check it later.

* have function [Return] to return town with pm , and for

trader , thieves or hunter you can put regions for them

to use this function.

* GM Commands For your [SQL Systems].

Program Contains :
>>Free Version:


# Helper System

# Reports Save Bugs - Suggestions

# Upgrade

# Uniques Rank

# GM Commands

# Auto Notice Once - Repeat

# Reset System With Pay or Not

# ExecQuery

## Skills Reset

## Status Reset

>>Premium Version:


# Limit SQL For Ram

# Clean LOG Databases

# Helper System [Free]

# Reports Save (Bugs - Suggestions) [Free]

# Challenge System

# Choose Titles

# Upgrade [Free]

# Uniques Rank [Free]

# Uniques Rank With PServerCMS

# Uniques Rewards (Coins - Titles - Silk - Gold)

# Trade System

# SPY FTW System [Free]

# Lock&UnLock System

# Status&Blue System

# Advanced Auto Equipment

# Switch Weapons

# Switch Sets

# Switch Accs

# Mastery Skills With Time

# Borrow System

# Buy Items System

# GM Commands [Free]

# Auto Notice (Once - Repeat) [Free]

# Random With Limits

## Gold Random

## Silk Random

## Items Random

## Stones Random

## Skill Points Random

## Elixir Random

## Plus Random

# Reset System (With Pay or Not)

## Skills Reset [Free]

## Status Reset [Free]

## Blue Item Reset

## Blue Devil Reset

## FGW Books Reset

## FGW Time Reset

## Premium Remove Only

## CharName Change

## ADV Remove [Free]

## Job Panetaly [Free]

## Guild Panetaly [Free]

## PK Remove [Free]

## Holy Water Reset

## Durability Remove Only

## GodBless Remove

## Change Race [Reset Build EU ><CH]
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